I know a couple of ppl that have their on business in
Our system here in
Everyday I wonder, why aren’t we like
Questions cloud my head with why!!!
I know a couple of ppl that have their on business in
Our system here in
Everyday I wonder, why aren’t we like
Questions cloud my head with why!!!
The central bank of
l Portrait of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos
l Facsimile signature of His Majesty the Sultan
l Watermark portrait of His Majesty the Sultan
l The National Emblem (2 Swords and a Khanjar) in the middle of the notes
l ‘Central Bank of
l Serial numbers on right and left side of the note.
l Denomination in figure on right and left sides and in words in the middle of the note.
l ‘The 35th National Day’ and year of issue: 1426 H and 2005G in Arabic at the bottom of the note.
l Omani adornment in gold behind the portrait of His Majesty the Sultan
l Recognition feature for the blind on the left side.
l Vertical security thread
l An Omani incense burner on the bottom centre.
l ‘Central Bank of
l Denomination in words in English at left bottom and in figures at the right.
l 35th National Day logo
l 35th National Day commemorative text in English with year of issue 1426H / 2005G
l Flagship ‘Shabab
l Minaret of a mosque in the centre.
l Traditional Omani jewellery in the bottom centre.
I went for a First Aid/ Basic Life Support course in OTI (Madinat Al A3lam). My boss came to me in a sudden and was like you start your course tomorrow and its for 3 days. The course was to help ppl have the needed skills and knowledge to perform emergency first aid support in the first few minutes after a life-threatening incident occurs. Sadly the course I took was only focusing on adults and not babies (below 1year old) and kids (of +1 year old – 9 years old).
It covered good theoretical & practical elements in it, how to do the Breath Rescue, CPR and positioning the victim in the recovery position. It also explains the right way to support internal and external injuries + some1 in shock and a lot of other stuff.
After taking this course i really believe that everyone should actually take this course or at least should have one or two members of the house take this course. I’ve seen lots of accidents, being to lots of trips and helped lots of injured ppl. I was shocked to know everything I did before that was wrong. Wither it was a friend that got injured playing football, someone in shock after a small car accident or someone that fell of the steps, what I did to help him/her was wrong but I’m glad to know that I now know what to do the next time such things happen.
The course only costs 65 R.O for every indaviual which I think is a pretty reasonable price. The course was from 8-4 with a one hour break for three days, and now I’m a certified First Aid madri shoo esamuna.
In early 1900s a scientist defined shock as “a state when a body dies temporary”. Now they say that when the body or human is in shock, the blood cells in a humans body dies due to lack of oxygen therefore the mind sends the wrong signal/commands to the body. We usually give water to ppl in shock thinking it will cool them down, by doing that we might damage the persons body since we don’t know where the water will end up.
The course covered the below illnesses:
· Blisters
· Bruise
· Burns
· Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
· Choking
· Fainting
· Fever
· Shock
· Sprain
· Stroke
· Sunburn
I was never into these anime stuff till a friend of mine here at work recently introduced me to it. And I must say, I’ve been hooked ever since. My best is Naruto and for those who don’t know me, I’ve been buggin my friends with my new Naruto Logo.. I also managed to get the whole 163 episodes and more to come inshallah, I have Naruto the movie, Desktop themes on both my laptop and PC, My ring tone is Naruto’s theme and for the message I have Naruto’s excitement theme. AND MY BLUETOOTH NAME IS UZUMAKI NARUTO ;)
My mom says that i have a devil in me thats japanese and she throws things at me when i start saying japanese words i learned from the cartoon to her..
Most ppl won’t give it a try because they think its either childish or they can’t give it the effort of reading the subtitles. PPLS Y”ALL DON”T KNOW WHAT Y”ALL MISSIN’.
Before I say anything bout camping let me advertise a new camping trip happening this weekend. {Discover the beauty of
Now this is one trip I would love to go to. My best trips that I’ve been to was in Ras Ruwais, as soon as we get there a rain storm had hit us just as we were fixing up our tent. It took about 11-15 ppl to hold on to the tent as it was drifting away from us. Both genders boy and girl suffered and not only the guys :P hint ladies = u gotta get
One of my favourite ones was when I went to Ras Medraka, we caught lots of fish over there but the best part was the night before, we camped over there before we started the tough part of the journey, digging the car every after 10 minutes, we got stuck like it was no mans business.
Other places I camped in were Wahiba Sands – I’ve been there many times and planning to go there again some time soon. Ras Al Had, Jabal Shams – it was in May but the temp was 14C. Jabal Shams a couple of times, Wadi Shab, Wadi bani Khalid, Snack Gorge , etc…
One pic that im gonna post is a pic of us fighting over the last bar of chocolate. We didn’t carry enough with us. The best way of camping I think is camping in the middle of no where. I hate it when someone suggests we go camp in one of the resorts hnak. Why camp if that’s the case?! We are better off going to the farm n sleep there.
After cruising around town with my cousins bike, I have now decided to get my on bike. The new Honda Fireblade 1000CC beast. But ever since I mentioned that, have been on my case trying to stop me from buying the beast
Recently ppl have been in lots of accidents, most bikers blame the car drivers since we have no respect to ppl on bikes here in this part of the world. I myself have noticed how ppl seem to think its kool or its okay to stick near a bike rider like glue, maybe that will boost him up and he will show us what's he working with. PPL that shit is scary and when you are on a bike, a small reaction can lead to be a very bad accident.
When you get your license here, the ROP never mention anything about riders in the street, and whats the safest way to drive around them. I remember when I got my driving license, i didn't even have anyone explaining to me the famous 2 second rule of safe driving.
In the states you get penalties from careless driving and you have to go through driving lessons depending on how careless you were. I think that would be really useful in this part of the world.