There is a thin line between what your heart desires and what your mind tells you to do. I lived 25 years of my life taught to mostly do to things:
Follow your heart
Think before you do stuff
I’ve had a lot of good days in my life mainly because I do not ask for too much and I appreciate the little things that come my way. I remember times when some friends and I would just go out and have a blast, not carrying about all the worries in life or how successful we’d be in 20 years but of course there were times when dramatic stuff came our way and things just didn’t go the way they ware actually planned. My reactions to bad stuff is simply “Oh well! Life was never meant to be perfect and its not the end of the world.”
When tragedy comes your way and there is nothing much you can do but tremble. There is always something out there that can make you feel better and the way I see it, it all depends on what type of a person you are? Do you follow your heart or do you let your mind take control?
I remember going to pick my friend up from college one day. This was back in the days when I didn’t have a cell phone so it was quiet hard to get in touch with me unless you ringed up one of my friends. Anyways I am lounging there and about while he is walking towards me with a confused face. He pulls out his hand to say hello but instead he says “G, I am not sure how am I supposed to say this but I think you should contact your family because your dads wife passed away”. At that point in my life she was the closest person to me if not the only person that actually knew what I was thinking before I even said a word. Anyways my heart froze, my mind took control and the only thing on my mind was to get to my dad and sisters as soon as possible in order to support them through this tragedy. I only cried 6 days later when I was alone in the room and after I was sure that they are strong enough to carry on with their lives without messing up. I still kept an eye on them for a very long time.
I also remember other times when friends went through unwanted moments in their life, be it a relationship or a stupid mistake that was a result from someone dear to them. Being an ordinary person they’d snap, hold their feelings and say nothing, dismiss the other person, argue or if it was a fortunate day they’d forgive. What ever actions they took was resorted from the heart. Sometimes the actions they took were right and at other times they could have done better.
Some people that know me say I am heartless at times or I am very strict (bad to the bone) and should think from the heart. Being a product of my father, I was taught to always think first and then use your heart to be gentle. I also know that there is a limit to everything in life and one thing that’s not acceptable to be rude.
Sometimes I am not really sure what rule am I supposed to follow and to be quiet honest I use the mind then heart rule in a relationship, at work and in the house too. All I know is that there is a thin line between what your heart desires and what your mind tells you to do. Question is what is it that makes me a better person? Being smart or being a loving person?