Saturday, November 11, 2006

Naruto Wallpapers..

Bakuretsu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

Touton No Jutso


Uzumaki Naruto

Harem No Jutsu

Henge no Jutsu

Kage Shuriken no Jutsu

Uzumaki Naruto Bunshin Gachandou

Uzumkai Naruto Nisen Renden

Uzumaki Naruto Yonsen Renden



Degoat said...


whats who's name?! n its a diss to just speak outta ur U KNOW WHAT just like that..

i mean u dont want me to..

forget it


Snooky said...

Stupid fillers. >.<'

Degoat said...

:) @ snooky

can i help u?):P


Abdullah Al-Bahrani said...

Whats this Cartoons?

Degoat said...

Its called Naruto...

check em out in if u r interested...

u can get them there all way from eps 1.


Naruto is an anime and manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto centered around a loud, hyperactive, young ninja who is in a constant search for both approval and recognition, and with a great aspiration to become Hokage. First published as a manga series in Japan by Shueisha in the 43rd issue of Shonen Jump magazine in November 1999, the Naruto series has risen in popularity exponentially and has since been licensed in the USA (becoming VIZ Media's top selling title) and nearly two dozen other countries, with the anime series currently airing in 18 countries.
Twelve years before the start of the series, a Kyuubi (nine-tailed fox demon) attacked the Hidden Leaf Village. A swing of one of it's mighty tails could raise tsunamis and flatten mountains, chaos reigned throughout the village as it killed many people, until the leader of the Leaf, the Fourth Hokage, defeated it by sacrificing his own life to seal the demon inside a new born child, that child is Uzumaki Naruto. The Fourth Hokage would forever be celebrated as a hero for sealing the Kyuubi and saving the entire village. It was his wish that Naruto would also be respected in the same way he would be, however, this was not the case. Everybody in the village avoided Naruto, regarding him as nothing more than the evil demon fox. The Third Hokage made it a rule within the village that other villagers were forbidden from mentioning this event to anyone, even their own children, however because of the way their parents treated Naruto, they mistreated him as well throughout most of his childhood.

As a result of this Naruto grew up as a lonesome orphan, without friends, family, or acknowledgement of any sort. Nobody would pay any attention to him, so he sought attention in the only way he knew how, through pranks and mischief. However, Naruto's behaviour would come to change after graduating from the Ninja Academy by learning the technique of the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu to save his sensei Umino Iruka from certain death. Naruto learnt two things that day, that the Kyuubi was contained inside him, and that there was someone who cared about him, and understood how he felt. His graduation would become a changing moment and define his world for the rest of his life.


Anonymous said...

you people need to grow up,

Degoat said...

LoL anonymous - i dont think that is the smartest thing to do..

Being as young as i can and growing up in an equal way is much more comfortable i think..


Anonymous said...

then get a life freak

Anonymous said...

nice one, i just brought lots of some other new emo backgrounds for my blog