Friday, December 23, 2005

5ar5ashu Jyobkum!!!

The central bank of Oman issues a new banknote of RO1 due to the 35th national day. I think its wicked.

l Portrait of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos
l Facsimile signature of His Majesty the Sultan
l Watermark portrait of His Majesty the Sultan
l The National Emblem (2 Swords and a Khanjar) in the middle of the notes
l ‘Central Bank of Oman’ in Arabic on top of the note.
l Serial numbers on right and left side of the note.
l Denomination in figure on right and left sides and in words in the middle of the note.
l ‘The 35th National Day’ and year of issue: 1426 H and 2005G in Arabic at the bottom of the note.
l Omani adornment in gold behind the portrait of His Majesty the Sultan
l Recognition feature for the blind on the left side.
l Vertical security thread
l An Omani incense burner on the bottom centre.

l ‘Central Bank of Oman’ in English at the topside of the note.
l Denomination in words in English at left bottom and in figures at the right.
l 35th National Day logo
l 35th National Day commemorative text in English with year of issue 1426H / 2005G
l Flagship ‘Shabab Oman
l Fort Jalali at bottom right
l Minaret of a mosque in the centre.
l Traditional Omani jewellery in the bottom centre.


Kay said...

ma adreee i feel like its soo much! there is too much happening. rabshaaa a7eesoo. it needs to be toned down shiwa.. or maybe cause its just something new and will need time for us to get used to it.
are there going to limited number of prints of this verison? or will this be the new rail? i liked the previous more purple rocks! now how would i be able to tell the 5 rail note apart from this?

Degoat said...

when i was in uae last week.. i gave my cousin my wallet to buy credits.. instead of givin him a 50dhs note, he gave him a 500dhs note. all he got back was 25drhs..

I almost killed him but then i remembered i need company in that country..

i seriously don't know if i like it or not. when i see both notes in my hand, i'll decide.


Anonymous said...

Nice, Interesting! I need to see the real thing before i can say whether i like it or not, but quite interesting i must say. Is this going to replace the current One Rial?

Degoat said...

I have no idea walah, i've heard ppl say that there are limited and others say that the Omani Rial is gonna be replaced.

I'm just happy its peachie/pinkie :P

Anonymous said...


Degoat said...

LoL MSM- I gosta keep it real


Namika said...

hmm too much colors i think.. but can't judge till i see the real thing.. when will they start issuing it?

Degoat said...

Kaza- i have one note of the old 1RO with me somewhere.. they are ugly.

Namika- they've already started. inshallah u get to see the new ching ching soon

Mimi- LoL i really dont think its that bad. i dare u to not use it. everytime u get it, exchange it with one of the old ones :P


Najah said...

yakhi i commented in here long time ago before everyone else. WHERE DID MY COMMENT GO...

anyhow, just wanted to say that the design IS AWFUL...i like the old one better.

Degoat said...

naj- where is ur support afrika?! :P

Money is money to me.. i can't see the beauty in a dolla bill period


Degoat said...

LoL- n how them hell will i know if u used it wala la2...


Anonymous said...

i find it too colourful!! it matches the 35th annv. logo though...

Degoat said...

yes... limited edition..

I am givin everyone i know one note, n promised to throw a fist on them if they eva used it..

Vio- i love 'em

Toxic_Honey said...

I LIKED the new rial!
my dad give us the new rial in the
first day they put it on the market i was screaming NEW MONEY MUAHAHAH! i guess my dad was sorry 4 me :s ANYways I like the old one more! but its cool to have something like that!
my bro put it in a fram he said its
a cool rial! well whateve!! :P

Degoat said...

LoL i signed on a couple of rials and gave it to some special ppl. i will be chekin if they still have it next year :P


Anonymous said...

i thought i was special ...
how come i didnt get one ;)