I went for a First Aid/ Basic Life Support course in OTI (Madinat Al A3lam). My boss came to me in a sudden and was like you start your course tomorrow and its for 3 days. The course was to help ppl have the needed skills and knowledge to perform emergency first aid support in the first few minutes after a life-threatening incident occurs. Sadly the course I took was only focusing on adults and not babies (below 1year old) and kids (of +1 year old – 9 years old).
It covered good theoretical & practical elements in it, how to do the Breath Rescue, CPR and positioning the victim in the recovery position. It also explains the right way to support internal and external injuries + some1 in shock and a lot of other stuff.
After taking this course i really believe that everyone should actually take this course or at least should have one or two members of the house take this course. I’ve seen lots of accidents, being to lots of trips and helped lots of injured ppl. I was shocked to know everything I did before that was wrong. Wither it was a friend that got injured playing football, someone in shock after a small car accident or someone that fell of the steps, what I did to help him/her was wrong but I’m glad to know that I now know what to do the next time such things happen.
The course only costs 65 R.O for every indaviual which I think is a pretty reasonable price. The course was from 8-4 with a one hour break for three days, and now I’m a certified First Aid madri shoo esamuna.
In early 1900s a scientist defined shock as “a state when a body dies temporary”. Now they say that when the body or human is in shock, the blood cells in a humans body dies due to lack of oxygen therefore the mind sends the wrong signal/commands to the body. We usually give water to ppl in shock thinking it will cool them down, by doing that we might damage the persons body since we don’t know where the water will end up.
The course covered the below illnesses:
· Blisters
· Bruise
· Burns
· Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
· Choking
· Fainting
· Fever
· Shock
· Sprain
· Stroke
· Sunburn
So I guess you will know what to do if someone comes to you suffering from sunburn, frostbite and has a foreign object stuck up his nose? :^)
this is amazing, i've been in a workshop on challanged kids, they also taught us some basic First aid and it was amazing, i myself was shocked to learn some stuff too!!!! putting Vasline on injuries is soooooooooo WRONG!!
I am shocked to find out that some people put vaseline on injuries... Of course it's wrong... Duhh..
QC- LoL Yes yes, i'll know what to do.. But lots of ppl know me and won't let me touch them cause of my bad bad bad bad jokes :P
Cous- puttin vaseline on an injury is crazy.. and we will have a talk bout first aid when u come back inshallah.. I have no clue what am i supposed to do when it comes to kids. I wanna know how different it is then supportin an adult
good to know u would be helpful around a crisis!
Wick- Rescue breathing, hey holla at me when you see girls gone down :P
What do bad jokes have to do with touching? Or maybe you mean you will confuse all you learned and try and treat a frostbite as you would a burn? Or maybe try sticking something up the nose of a girl who's in shock??
u dawg!
LoL- QC thats exactly what i would do :P
For a good laugh (j/king) i think i can handle the pressure n Blood at the incident moment..
I can't take blood, i loooose all my senses when i see blood
Wicked- Nandoto- why why r u calling me a dawg, even though i don't mind it :P
qatar shock, i have been putten Tons of Vasline on my injuries several and millions of time. Talking out of a hurtfull experience here hehehe....
LoL Naj- well afrikans operate in a totally different way..
which explains what you just said
I've been called loads of names (the latest being Qatar Car by Warda, and Gator Cat by someone else), but I have to admit that Qatar Shock is a notch above all! Woo hoo Najah, am I really so shocking?
LoL.. QC- WooOOooW paaaaarty
Kaz- Its 65 R.O, just gather a bunch of some dork friends and take it all in one class together.. 7amas
I currently suffer from 8 ailments in your list... Can you guess which? And I am totally serious...
Mieow no party yet, party for Xmas :^)
hahahahahahahaahahahahaa qatar shock, i just noticed that!!! sorrry reallly, thoughts were over floading while i was typing u know!
QC- Toothache, insect bites, head pain, fracture, fever, bruise, and you can let me know what else is missing :P
LoL Violet- onions ba3ad, take the course.. force ur friends
n cousin you are drunk
Foreign object in the ear (earring)
Foreign object in the nose (finger)
Foreign object swallowed (a pack of pumpkin seeds... feeling sick now)
LoL... QC whats wrong with ur ears n nose (finger). are they affected in any way
I've got foreign objects in my ears and nose! :)
Earrings in my ears.... and finger in my nose! Hehe well not anymore though, so it's all good.
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